Does My Child Really Need Space Maintainers?

A space maintainer is a type of oral appliance some children need if they’ve experienced premature baby tooth loss. 

However, many parents wonder if space maintainers are truly necessary and whether it would be better to spare their child from having to wear them.

As it turns out, space maintainers are necessary and can play a huge role in your child’s proper oral health development.

What Do Space Maintainers Do?

Space maintainers literally keep the space open on the arch. When a baby tooth is naturally ready to fall out, the permanent one quickly erupts and takes its place.

The baby tooth actually starts to wiggle and loosen because the adult one is slowly dissolving the root, making it easier for it to fall out.

But if the baby tooth is lost prematurely, due to a direct blow to the mouth or a fall, for instance, that can be a problem. The other baby teeth can migrate to try to close this extra space.

As a result, the adult tooth won’t have the proper space to erupt and will grow out in an improper position. This creates alignment or even bite issues that need correcting through braces or other orthodontic treatments down the line.

Types of Space Maintainers

There are five types of space maintainers your child could get:

  • Unilateral: This appliance is cemented in place and wrapped around an adjacent tooth. The connected metal loop covers the open area and keeps it open.
  • Removable: These can be artificial teeth or acrylic blocks placed in the open space. They are usually recommended if the child can follow instructions and be trusted to wear the maintainer and clean it properly.
  • Crown and loop: This is similar to the unilateral space maintainer but uses a dental crown cap placed over the adjacent tooth instead of a wireframe.
  • Distal shoe: These are inserted into the gum line and used when the adult molar teeth are late to erupt.
  • Lingual: They are also a type of wireframe attached to the child’s molars and used to keep space open for multiple teeth. 

You can learn more about which type of space maintainer your child needs after a consultation with Dr. Meghanne Kruizenga.

Do Space Maintainers Cause Cavities?

No, space maintainers do not cause cavities. But they can make brushing a tad more difficult, and this may increase the risk of cavities.

 If your child needs a space maintainer, it's important to make sure they brush and floss their teeth properly every day. You may need to supervise them for a while.

Pediatric Space Maintainers in Beaumont

Has your child lost a tooth prematurely? Bring them in to meet our Beaumont pediatric dentist, Dr. Meghanne Kruizenga to find out if they need a space maintainer!

Schedule a visit to Kindred Pediatric Dentistry online or call our office at (951) 572-8010 to find out more about our pediatric dental services.

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