How Often Does My Child Need To See A Dentist?

Taking care of a child’s oral health is no easy task. But aside from teaching them how to brush their teeth, you’ll also need to plan routine visits to the dentist.

But how often should these visits take place? What happens during a routine dental appointment?

Find out the answers in this short blog post!


When Should I Take My Child for Their First Dental Appointment?

Experts recommend taking a child for their first pediatric dental appointment as soon as their first tooth erupts and no later than their first birthday.

It can feel strange to bring such a small child to the dentist, but this first meeting is crucial for their oral health development.

During it, our Beaumont pediatric dentist will closely analyze their gums, jaw, and erupted teeth to see if everything is in order. They can also give you lots of useful tips on how to care for your child’s oral health.


How Often Should I Take My Child to the Dentist?

Like adults, children should see a dentist once every six months or so. These visits are part of preventative dentistry and have the specific role of reducing the risk of oral health issues such as cavities or gum disease.

During a routine appointment, a pediatric dentist may take an X-ray of the child’s mouth, inspect their teeth, and do a professional dental cleaning to remove plaque and tartar buildup.

Plus, this approach allows a pediatric dentist to closely monitor the child’s oral development and establish appropriate treatment early, if necessary.

For instance, a dentist might notice some issues with the child’s bite, which could affect how they learn to speak or their tooth position later on. As a result, they can formulate an appropriate treatment to address this issue before it creates more serious complications.


When Should You Go Off Schedule?

Apart from these routine visits, you should also bring your child for a consultation any time they complain of discomfort or notice something’s not right with their oral health.

Common reasons to see a dentist could be a toothache caused by a cavity or a cracked tooth. If the discomfort is severe, your child may need emergency dental care to restore their oral health and reduce their discomfort right away.

Common dental emergencies for kids can include:

  • Severe toothache
  • Oral bleeding
  • Knocked-out baby tooth
  • Tooth swelling
  • Oral trauma (to the tongue or cheeks), etc.


How Kindred Pediatric Dentistry Can Help

Dr. Meghanne Kruizenga works together with parents to ensure children have all their oral health needs met. Thanks to expert and compassionate dental services and lots of useful tips for parents, your child will grow up with a happy and healthy smile.

Ready to get started? Then request a visit to Kindred Pediatric Dentistry online.

For more information, you can call our team at (951) 572-8010 for a short chat.

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